Phone:201-262-0172 x7283


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs.Alyson Doherty

Mrs. Doherty has been teaching in New Milford for 8 years, beginning at the middle school for 6 years and now at New Milford High School. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in both English and Secondary Education from Monmouth University and a Master's Degree in Educational Technology from the American College of Education. Mrs. Doherty is a part of the Special Education Department and currently is teaching English grades 9 and 10. Aside from teaching at New Milford, Mrs. Doherty is the Head Varsity Softball Coach and Freshmen Volleyball Coach.

Extra Help Schedule

Tuesdays 7:15 - 7:45 AM

Wednesdays 2:55 - 3:25 PM

Room 322

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